Saturday, 10 November 2007
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Only 13 weeks and 3 Days to go
You might not be able to tell form this photo but my tummy is growing... As my darling Hubby pointed out tonight i have almost lost my belly button... which I sware wasn't like that this morning, so baby has had a big growth spert today... I thought my tummy felt super tight today.
Tonight Hubby and I went shopping as I got a gift vouchure from work. So i decided to splurge on myself and get something for me and not my hobby :) I got some shoes! I love shoes and it has been so long since I bought a new pair of shoes. I love them! They are black strappy wedges and they are perfect for me as heels are out at the moment but wedges still give hight and thins my kankles (certiousy of my Baby ^_^) but give my feet and arches support - well that is my story and I'm sticking to it ^_^
Well i have tried twice to upload some pics of my new shoes but do you think it will work for me... go figure. Anyway I need to go to bed as I am totally wasted... and I am struggling to stay awake. So I will write soon.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Another week down only 15 to go...
This is me at 20 weeks i feel about twice the size at 25 weeks... So with my baby still having to grow about 20cm in length and gain about 3kg I feel the description of an 'elephant' appropriate... The upside is everyone tells me that I look really good. So I take there word for it and put it down to the motherly glow that you are meant to have when you pregnant.
Well time is escaping me and I need my sleep as I have work tomorrow.
- WOW big kick -
- oh and another -
On that note I will publish this post and take my leave to my nice cool air-conditioned room... oh how i love technology sometimes.
Friday, 19 October 2007
My Work in Progress
The page above is my first attempt at an A4 layout and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. This blurry photo is of my sister (the one after me) Trystan, also affectionately called Tudy where my Dad's basketball sneakers when I think she was about 2yrs old... She is so cute!
Finally a layout about me. These photos of me where taken when I was I think about 2 or 3... not really all that sure... the other photos that go with these show My Mum, my older Sister Ms Zane and my Auntie Janis sitting on a park bench under a big tree. It seems as though it would have been a great day.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
While I am not sleeping...
Hubby and I have been walking everyday so far this week and while it is only Tuesday we are going really well. We only go for a 20min walk which is equiverlant to about a block and a half but this is enough to get my heart pumping and so hot and sweaty that I feel like I need to fall into the pool. I think our other Baby (our Husky called China) is enjoying the shorter walk at the moment as she has had puppies of her own in the last 4 weeks.
I am back at work this week and while it has been good I can feel it tirering me out. I think that is why I feel asleep so early. I think I am going to miss work but then again it is hard to say until Baby comes along and steals my heart away... Hubby is suggesting that I start my marternity leave at the end of Dec but I am unsure I would like to - if I could go part time now I would - but I am thinking of the money at the moment and thinking of going unitl the second week in Jan which will make 8 months by the time I leave work. I think I will wait until Dec to see how I am going and make my decision then. I only need to give 4 weeks notice and I get 12 months Maternity leave though unpaid.
I wish that I could have the best of both worlds and work and be a mum but at the same time now that our little family has started Hubby and I would like to have 2 more children and have them all fairly close together and finish our family. I know being a mother is a full time job all on its own and I know and understand the importance of motherhood and parenting and want to take nothing away from these two, mostly underminded, roles.
I have so many things that I would like to do as a mother and a parent with my children that are different to what my parents did, or different from what my freinds have done or are doing... these things are not bad I just want to do them differently. I have read much about the right way and the wrong way to parenting written by many differnt people from all walks of life with various academic acreditations and everyday regular mums and dads. With all that I have read it leads me to believe that there is not sure way to parenting. Parenting needs to be tailored to each individual child and ajusted accordingly as they grow and develop. I know that I have a lot to learn about being a mother and a parent and I know that I have a lot to learn about myself. This learning does not scar me. I think what scars me is not meeting mey own expectations I have some how conjoured up in my own mind. I some respects I don't think have expectations of one self is entirely bad it in away modivates us to work hard and be deicated to what it is we are doing always striving to meet thoes expectations. I think the danger comes when I don't meet these expectations or I perseve that I don't meet my own expectations. This is where you need to keep ground and look at the whole picture, making sure you acknowledge all aspecs especially if they where out of your control. I think it is vitally important that at the end of the day our children are individuals who have the ability and right to make choices of there own regardless of what we think, want or expect them to do. I just hope and pray that my children will inturn be better then I.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
The Beginning
My darling husband (corny I know but true) and I are expecting our first Baby in 17 weeks... I feel like it is taking forever. I am sure that as it gets closer to the day time will start to fly. I feel many different things about having a baby... part of me wishes that there was still more time to do the things that we wanted to do before kids... part of me is so excited that I sometimes feel like I am going to burst and then there is part of me that is so petrified that I feel sick in my Tummy. I am scared about labour - not that I can do anything to avoid it... only try to make it better - I am scared about what kind of mother I will be. If our baby will have a connection with me, how much a baby is going to change my relationship with the love of my life... I am sure these are all feelings that most women will at some stage of pregnacy will feel or experience. I have to admit my better half is very supportive and is overwhelmingly excited. He even said to me last night after watching a news report on Post Natial Depression, if I would ever tell him if I was to feel this way... It wasn't a question of 'would you tell me' it was more a plea 'please tell me'. I am so greatful to be blessed with this wonderful person in my life. To walk side-by-side with and hand-in-hand.
I think the closer to the D-day it becomes the more excited I become mainly because now I can feel our baby kicking and sometimes if it kicks hard enough Hubby and feel it to as we discovered this week. We are also lucky enough to have a 3rd scan as baby was to comfy to move last time so not all of Baby's body could be properly scaned or seen.We hope to find out what it will be... I thought for a long time that I would want to keep it a supprise and I guess part of me still does but when ever I look at baby clothes and the like I think how nice it would be to now... We have at least one full name for each sex so we are set either way though I secretly (ok so it is not a secret) want it to be a boy. But don't get me wrong i would be totally stocked with a girl.
I haven't been scrappin a lot lately for a number of reasons mainly because I have suffered from siatica from almost the start of my pregancy and sitting on a backless chair was not an option at the time. But now that I have that under control and I have stolen a chair from the Dinning room table i have been tinkering around finishing old projects and doing a page here or there. I am starting to get back into it... though I need to get my creative jucies flowing again which is a little harder now that I have baby brain... they tell me it only gets worse from here so heaven help me... Hubby has let me get some new supplies, well when I say let I went and got new supplies and he just looked at me and smiles and said 'I love you', so he let me. With new toys in hand i hope to make some marvelious creations and use up some of thoes old printed photos that seem to be gathering dust on my scrappin desk. Mind you I only found these photos amoung other things because I had to clean my scrappin desk so that i get my new supplies out and have a look at them. Actually come to think of it i might do some scrappin this morning while I wait for Hubby to wake up or should I say I go and wake him up :)